This college Nilamani Mahavidyalaya, Rupsa, Balasore was established in the year 1976 under the society Registration Act. 1860, located under Sadar Block Of Balasore District oIn 1976 when the state of Odisha was passing through furies of nature, a group of philanthropic people in a remote village like Rupsa assembled together with the purpose of establishing an educational institution which would cater to the needs of the poor and meritorious students of the area. Lack of proper communication and adequate funds to meet the infrastructural expenses posed hindrances in the establishment of a college but the iron will and firm resolution of the people in association with the unflagging zeal and untiring support of Mr. Nilamani Routray, the then Chief Minister of Odisha, rendered it possible..
Higher educational Institutions play a vital role in nation building. With the advent of globalization and privatization of Higher Education, India has no way out but to accept the emergent challenges. This led India as a signatory of WTO to sign a general agreement on trade in services (GATS). The purpose behind this agreement was liberalization of trade in services and secure non-discriminatory and free and open market trade in goods and services. Education was included as a service under this agreement.
“Change happens, with Will and Efforts” The college aims to achieve a distinct identity in the field of collaborative practices, extension activities, resource development and social literacy. To achieve its mission, the college shall:
“In Quest for Excellence” The college is on a mission to spread the light of education in the area and beyond. Its motto is well-defined in its logo that is- VIDYA DADATI GYANAM (Education begets wisdom). It aspires to be unique in its practices and aims to materialise the dreams of its founders. It craves to see itself as a centre of academic excellence in near future. The college believes in producing truly educated and responsible citizens, not qualified individuals.
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