Higher educational Institutions play a vital role in nation building. With the advent of globalization and privatization of Higher Education, India has no way out but to accept the emergent challenges. This led India as a signatory of WTO to sign a general agreement on trade in services (GATS). The purpose behind this agreement was liberalization of trade in services and secure non-discriminatory and free and open market trade in goods and services. Education was included as a service under this agreement.
Hence it is imperative that such institutions should develop an efficient Internal Quality Assurance system to survive. There is no single model that fits all. It is up to the institution to decide what model fits it best. However, there are some basic parameters that have to be met. There is an increasing demand for University-Industry linkage. The Universities can no longer consider education for the sake of education only. Apart from this, higher education institutions also have responsibilities of extension along with its normal teaching and research activities. Any extension programme must be based on expertise of the institution, utilization of local infrastructure facilities and exploitation of locally available human and natural resources to meet the requirements of the society.
Our Institution though small and located in semi-urban area, is striving hard to respond to new challenges and empowering local community through its extension and outreach programmes.
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